Classic Wax ~ Toluene Free, Toluene Safe, Always

Now Available in the U.S.
From Flag Finishes, a Premier UK Wax Finish Manufacturer


Classic Wax is an environmentally friendly wax polish derived from years of experience producing quality wood finishing products for the Pine furniture trade.
Founded in 1939 in Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex, England, FLAG Paints & Finishes is the manufacturer of high quality, time-tested finishes.

Classic Wax is toluene-free, safe and easy to use, giving an excellent shine. It is specially formulated to achieve a professional finish to wood with a minimum amount of effort.

LUSTERSHEEN responds to user concerns!

Some paste waxes on the market today use solvents like toluene and xylene as the base.

Briwax(1) in both the Original and TF formulas use these very hot, toxic distillates.

Since the 1990’s, this chemical group has received added scrutiny from regulatory agencies resulting in extra care notices and advisories when used. FLAG paints has answered the call and developed a toluene & xylene free formula using the finest wax blends. Except for a little extra drying time, the result is outstanding! NO PATINA LOSS…the trademark of quality paste waxes.


The Natural Choice for All Woods, the Preferred Choice of Craftsmen!

Wood craftsmen can confidently use Classic Wax to protect, restore and recondition fine furniture and antiques to their original patina. For decades this hand rubbed patina was achieved using toluene based waxes. With the advent of a properly blended Toluene-free polish, like Classic Wax, this same high quality hand rubbed patina finish is the result..
For those who prefer a hard finishing wax using a hot solvent the traditional LUSTRA paste wax is the answer.

Both of these fine waxes were formulated for use by the quality conscious American do it yourselfer, the professional woodworker or refinisher and those who simply want to keep their antiques and household furnishings in top condition.

Renew it with CLASSIC WAX!! Reduce concerns about Toluene and Xylene use! (See Footnote)
Classic for: Furniture, Wood Floors, Paneling, Doors & Cabinets

Restores Antiques Safely

Available in Six Shades

  • Antique Pine * Clear
  • Jacobean * Antique Brown
  • Antique Mahogany * Dark Pine

See color chips at:

Questions? 1-866-343-3377

Excellent trade and wholesale pricing.


Classic Wax as a patinating wax.

Classic Wax can be used on fine furniture, antiques, unfinished furniture and fine wood crafts. Classic Wax polishes, rejuvenates, refinishes and finishes with a beautiful wax luster.
Classic is used on new & old. Even woods, bronzes and metals. Classic is a product which does what it says with a safer distillate formulation. Unlike so many finishes, Classic enhances the beauty and patina a finish acquires over time in a most esthetically pleasing way. Classic does not evaporate away. Classic can be used over paints, milk paints, stripped pines, country furniture, primitives, unfinished furniture, reproductions, imported furniture, European furniture, antiques, collectibles, oils finishes, stains, shellacs, stripped & unstripped finishes, naked woods, mission furniture, shaker and painted country, wood floors, wood carving and wood turnings.

Classic often saves the effort and cost of stripping and refinishing furniture.

Classic enhances the patina, (damage and abuse acquired over time), in such a way that your pieces’ esthetic intrinsic value is noticed with a wonderful presence all its’ own.

Classic Wax is excellent for use in faux finish Venetian plaster applications. Light refracts, bouncing around within the wax, and this makes for the Classic wax glow, a natural wax luster. Classic is the wax to use for these appplications because unlike Briwax which contains some very toxic, harmful solvents (see footnote), the solvents in Classic have a much lower order of toxicity. In interior Venetian plaster applications where the surfaces are large, this is an important consideration. Classic is by far the better choice to achieve a high quality venetian plaster finish.

* Available in 450 ml and .9 US Gallon

To Purchase On Line: (Click Here)

Retailers, re-sellers, antique shops, hardware stores and craft shops should email or phone.

Our standard order form in PDF can be downloaded here: (Click here)